We love our veggie garden

We love our veggie garden

With the help of Poppa Carrick we grow whatever we can, and so far this term we have harvested carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, onions, lettuce, various herbs with corn and pumpkin on the way.

The children partake in the daily task of asking Elizabeth what she requires from the garden to prepare our daily healthy heart menu. Harvesting and digging our fresh produce from the garden to the table is very rewarding and a wonderful learning opportunity.

We have also been producing pickles, relishes, jams and tomato pasta sauces as we again enter our creation into the Upper Clutha A&P show to hopefully win some prizes.

Our garden is such a huge part of who we are at Aspiring Beginnings. We look forward to many great recipe experiences over the coming months.


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