Wanaka Primary School Skybridge program

Wanaka Primary School Skybridge program

Aspiring Beginnings ELC supports the Wanaka Primary schools SKYBRIDGE programme which occurs on Wednesdays from 1.30 to 3pm, ten weeks prior to starting school. The new entrant children at Wanaka Primary School either start at the beginning or half way through a term. This enables teachers to introduce routines, responsibilities and programmes to groups which eliminate repetition and omission that could occur with large numbers of individual new entrants entering the new entrant classroom spasmodically. It is also less disruptive to classroom programmes.

The SKYBRIDGE program will focus on:

  • Emotional readiness
  • Social routines
  • Manipulative and organizational skills
  • Perceptual motor skills
  • Early language and numeracy knowledge

A roster for parent/teacher help will be prepared on the first day as one parent is required for every four children and one teacher for every ten children. If you have any queries or would prefer for your child to start school on their 5th birthday give Wanaka Primary school a call on (03) 4437687.

Holy Family School and Hawea Flat Primary School both also offer a before school transition program unique to their environment. Click on the school to be directed to their websites for further information.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs a parting gift from Aspiring Beginnings, children get to complete a canvas as their very own unique and special memento.  Zoe choose to create a painting of her family and pets.

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