We are very pleased to advise that from the proceeds of a generous grant from the Elsie & Ray Armstrong Trust, we are able to provide communication screening for children over 3 1/2 years of age for 2014 with Susan Helmore from Communicate (www.speechlanguagetherapy.co.nz)
How often: At the beginning of each month
Location: at the centre
Start Time: 09:30
1st session: Monday 3rd March
2nd session: Monday 19th May
Cost: Free to our enrolled families
With parental consent, your child’s listening, speech, language and voice will be screened during a short, fun session with pictures and books. The screening session will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Parents are welcome to attend the communication screening session, particularly if the day of the screening is not a typical preschool day for your child.
Following the screening assessment, families will receive written feedback as to your child’s communication skills. If they require a review or further assessment, options for this will be provided and discussed with their teacher.