Healthy heart cooking demo for food Week

Healthy heart cooking demo for food Week

As we are part of the Healthy Heart Programme, we were more than keen to help support the ‘Eat less salt in our meals week’ and learn even more about nutrition.

We invited one of our parents (who also happens to be a chef and local business owner of the delicious and nutritious Boa Boa Food Company) to cook and help us with a new recipe.

Leungo showed us all the ingredients to make gnocchi. All the tamariki were very keen to have a turn with the pasta machine that ground the potato into a pulp. We then added some lovely fresh herbs before we mashed the ingredients together with our hands. It was a great opportunity to roll and mould and turn the mixture into delicious little morsels of gnocchi which we cooked and ate for lunch. “it was delicious”.

Thanks Leungo for helping us with another idea for our Healthy Heart menu.

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