From the learning pathways display board

From the learning pathways display board

The tamariki have been very interested in role playing our local police and fire officers, actively helping and taking charge of situations. At the A&P show the children spotted the policeman and wanted to ask him lots of questions, so we decided to invite Constable Mike to the centre. Mike drove his car into the garden and the children loved having a look around the vehicle and they did ask “lots of questions”.  For the role playing fireman, we organised a visit to the local fire station with Ralph. The children were very excited to explore the inside and outside of the fire engine and see what the fireman wear when they attend a callout. Thank you to Mike & Ralph for taking the time to show our tamariki their roles in our community and how they keep us safe.
Thank you also to all the parent helpers. 

(To read the full story, come and have a look at our learning pathways display board.)

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