A&P show excursion

A&P show excursion

The children and teachers have been busy harvesting vegetables, making preserves & jams for the A&P show. Our home industry creations this year were cucumber pickle, bread & butter pickle, tomatoe relish, apricot jam and our very own special recipe of pasta sauce.

As we made our way to the show the children were very excited. “Would we win any prizes?”, “What animals would we see today?” . The children showed great responsibility by carefully listening and following instructions while walking.   First stop was watching the pony judging, followed by horse jumping. We then went to visit the sheep, alpacas and goats then over to the home industry pavilion. We found our artwork and a 3rd prize certificate beside our bread & butter relish. Yay!.
Other highlights included checking out some of the farm machinery and implements.

Jen & Pauline met us at the skate park for a delicious lunch of sandwiches, bacon & egg pie, muffins and fruit. Just enough time for a quick game of roly poly on the grass before walking back.  Thank you to all the wonderful parent helpers for another successful excursion. It was great to see all the learning happening while out enjoying a community event.

Come check out our “Learning Pathways” board for more photos.

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